Beit Morasha is honored to announce the naming of the Mel (Menachem) Salberg Department of Innovation and Professional Development.


Following decades of service to the Jewish people as Chairman of the Conference of Presidents, Chairman of the Anti-Defamation League, and President of the American Zionist Movement, Mel (Menachem) Salberg z”l served as Chairman of the Board of the American Friends of Beit Morasha, focusing his organizational and charitable efforts on Beit Morasha.  He loved the State of Israel and the Jewish people with all his heart and soul and passionately encouraged us to create programs that addressed the needs of all Jews throughout the world. Mel granted us years of wisdom, encouragement, and leadership.


Beit Morasha enjoys a unique standing as Israel’s leading educational expert in values-based leadership programs that enable civic and military organizations to “transform values into action”. Beit Morasha is training leaders in the IDF, the National Police, clerical leaders of interfaith communities, educational leaders, and young Bedouin leaders in the Negev.

The key to Beit Morasha’s success lies with a talented group of dedicated and experienced educators and facilitators under the leadership of Prof. Benjamin Ish-Shalom, Beit Morasha’s President and founder. In order to maintain this advanced level of excellence and innovation, The Mel (Menachem) Salberg Department of Innovation and Professional Development will create cutting-edge program content for all new initiatives, providing advanced professional training to its team of educators and facilitators.